Suggestions for the Play+

Has the storage memory been increased on the Play+? I didn’t think it was 64mb, whenever I’ve created any sample packs for a new project they top out at roughly 30-32mb depending on the sample rate I’ve had to convert some samples to.

I even queried this myself (Play+ sample memory expansion), as the Play+ seems to have the same memory as the OG Play, there was no memory improvements despite introducing stereo samples which take up more memory.

Thats one of the reasons I ended up going with a Digitakt 2 and just using the OG Play for drum and perc oneshots, cos the memory per project is terrible especially if trying to use stereo samples or longer atmos/pad samples.

I also created a wish for the volume issue (Change the default volume of audio sample tracks or add a basic mixer) - the audio samples are set way too high at 0db, so there is no headroom to begin with, that was last summer and it hasn’t been implemented.