[Submit & Vote] Best Polyend Tracker Track of January 2023

This is a community experiment. An excuse to share Tracker tracks, promote the most popular, and have some fun together. :slight_smile: If it works, we repeat the experiment for February, rinse and repeat.

Cast your votes on Polyend Tracker tracks

Click for details

We want to have a ranking of Tracker tracks by the end of February anywhere on earth (2023-03-01T11:59:00Z). For that we need votes. To vote, just click the up & down arrows next to each track.

  • Anyone can upvote or downvote as many entries as they want.
  • You can change your votes within 10 minutes. After that, they are set for good.
  • You can add votes until the end of February. Pay attention to late entries!
  • You can also comment on each entry, and upvote other people’s comments.

Submit your Polyend Tracker tracks

Click for instructions

To vote we need submissions. Click the Reply button to submit your. All tracks are welcome! This includes songs, jams, live performances, demos… anything audible. Audio-only and video are both good. You only need:

  • The link to the web page featuring the track, in a single line. It can be a link to your own website, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Spotify, YouTube… anywhere public.
  • You can introduce the track with a brief comment (optional).

Some conditions apply:

  • The track must feature the Polyend Tracker, solo or with other gear and software.
  • You must be the creator of the track, or be a member of the group that created it.
  • The tracks must have been published online for the first time during January 2023, not earlier, not later.
  • You can only submit one Tracker track per month.

Hint: to promote your music, fill your profile and make it public.

Cool idea!

here’s my entry to help growing these kind of content. Really, really good :heart::heart:


I agree with @_noir , very cool idea! So here’s mine.

Cheers :wave:

Here’s my entry, this track was fully done in Polyend Tracker.

Hey guys, great idea, agreed!
My entry is here GS - Salvation, loving the Tracker!

Thanks for setting up this forum, Polyend! Great to have another place to discuss the tracker and hear the creations people are making on these devices. Here’s my Jan 2023 track.

Basic jam I recorded with purpose of taking part in competition.
Actually I even won Arturia’s Efx Fragments)

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