It could be great to have a “preview” button in the project list in order to get an glimpse of the track you are about to load.
What is the problem?
When you have 80+ projects (that are not alphabetically sorted and) named with the random name generator, it is sometimes hard to remember specific songs. As big projects take some time to load, having a short preview of the song would really smooth the flow
What do you want to achieve?
In the project list, having a “preview” button showcasing a snippet of the song - it could be a few seconds of the first pattern if the song mode is used on the project for example.
@djenzar thanks for your wish, unfortunately we have to reject it as it’s not in line with our current design direction. Keep in mind we plan to considerably improve file / project management for 1.7 update as announced in The Tracker is not dead. 1.7 is coming soon
This should make it easier to organize and find projects in general.