Small pops while adjusting track volume on Synth

Bug Description

When adjusting the track volume on the mixer you can hear small audio pops

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Init a patch for example
  2. Hold a couple of notes on one of the tracks
  3. Go to mixer and adjust that track volume

Occurrence / Frequency


Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Build: 1459


It seems like you generally suffer a lot from pops and cracks. Until we’ve gotten a bit deeper into this, do you mind if I close this one and we focus on your other, broader bug report about glitches? I suspect the root cause is the same, but if it turns out not to be the case, we can reopen this one. I’m just trying to focus the problem solving in a single place, not trying to silence you or ignore your issues :slight_smile:

Yes please :slight_smile: You are right as they are probably related and the other issue is more crippling than this.
Don’t worry, I’d imagine you guys want this fixed as much as I do :slight_smile:
Thank you.

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Great, thanks!

Okay, it seems like this is considered a separate issue by the developers. I am able to reproduce this using headphones, but the small pops seem to be lost on my (crappy?) speakers.

Hi @ricardopeixoto , Thank you for reporting this bug. We are sorry you’re experiencing issues while using our product. We will do our best to resolve it and notify you when it’s ready.

They are subtle but still noticeable. And if you add delay to the synth they became quite annoying.
I like to fade in and out different parts, that’s how I noticed.

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Thank you @miropoly I’m sure you will.

Hey @here, the Synth 1.1.0 beta just dropped. :partying_face:

Let us know if it fixes the issue for y’all! :heart:

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Thanks @miropoly @Sandroid. I’ll try it soon and report back.
I have a gig tomorrow (I’ll be using Synth of course) and don’t want to push Murphy’s Law too far :smiley:


Hi @here, our latest release fixes this issue: Synth Firmware 1.1.0
Please let us know if you’re happy with the solution and thanks for your support for making our products better.

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