Retain notes that are physically held after a double shift

What is the problem?

The double click on shift to unlatch notes currently cuts out notes that are being physically held down

What should this feature achieve?

When you double click the shift to unlatch held notes, any pads that are being physically held down with fingers do not unlatch. I think it adds a tremendous value in performance where currently the double click on Shift cuts everything.

Are there any workarounds?

None that I am aware of

Any links to related discussions?

None that I am aware of

Any references to other products?

Polyend gear is too cool and fun to consider referencing to other products :slight_smile:


Yes please!

Nice one, @Dann. I definitely see the value of going from overwhelming chaos to a few calm notes with just a double tap!

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In the same vein - holding down one or two of the engine buttons under the screen and double pressing shift could only clear latched notes for those engines.

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