Real Monochrome – Display themes

What is the problem?

The Display theme called “Monochrome” is not Monochrome as it is mixed with other colors too. Maybe it is polychromatic?

Monochrome = different shades of a single color

Mono = One
Chroma = Color

What should this feature achieve?

Display themes that are different shades of a single color.

Example of Monochrome colored screens/monitors:


Are there any workarounds?

  1. Change the Polyend Tracker screen and insert/build in a screen that is limited to a Monochrome.
  2. Wear monochrome glasses.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

  • CMI Fairlight
  • Old IBM Computer

Thank you for these pictures. So lovely.


Hey @gravedraq, loove those pictures. I’m a big fan of the amber colors and that era of computing in general :heart:

This is very much what the existing wish:

is trying to achieve - which you linked to as well.

Considering how many votes it already has, i’d say we should stick to that one, as your wish here, could be fullfilled with it. Especially since the goal is to customize colors freely.

My suggestion. Please post your points (and the pictures) in the existing wish.
And then i’ll close this one down as a duplicate. Hope you agree that that makes more sense here :blush:

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Vote and reference link added.

To be honest, I rather want a few cool Display themes, that looks similar to the above pictures, which gives the reminisce of something people used to work on in the past, like the concept when you choose to work with a Tracker, than a fully customizable layout. :smiley:

I still like to mark, that I don’t find the current “Monochrome” Display theme Monochrome enough :wink:

You can mark this as solved than, as the above option could resolve this.

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I think the best option is if people can build their own color themes.
The benefit here would be clearly that they could be shared if they are stored as theme files.

Since there aren’t too many colors within the trackers, it think this is very reasonable to achieve.

(don’t take my word though, i’m just guessing here :laughing:)

Thank you for posting all the info in the other wish! I’ll close this one then :hugs:

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