Randomise function for synth patch edit

Being able to randomise the synth patch edit screen, as a start point for new patch generation would be really good.
a key combo randomises all synth parameters, you can undo or randomise again. then edit & save.

What is the problem?

a tool like randomise when editing a patch from scratch can be a great tool to aid creativity.

What do you want to achieve?

a randomise page function for synth patch edit screen.
randomise patch - undo - randomise again - save. kind of thing. then edit to taste.

Are there any workarounds?


Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

elektron gear has page randomise function “page + yes”. its so good for synthesis. brings you in directions you wouldn’t have gone otherwise.


Thank you for your eloquently and clearly written wish :slight_smile:

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@here Thanks for your contribution, the wish is now ready for voting! :slight_smile:


The Volca FM2 also generates randomized Patches. They are based on the selected patch so the generatet patch will be similar but different.

I think that function would perfectly fit to the simplifyed conept of the Play


I am really missing a randomised init patch and functionality to create random variations of existing patches on the tracker mini as it is a little cumbersome to do sound design on it.


This is something i really loved about my Clavia Nord Lead A1, you hitted random 5 times and then you are at a interest point of the Sound design.

You should check out the amount of customization you can get on the ASM Hydrasynth in regards to randomization. You can randomize the entire patch with a % of how much it impacts each module, randomize per Module (Oscillator, Filter, LFO, etc), randomize any parameter. Random patch selection, and randomize modules from other patches. Crazy amount of fun!!

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sounds delightful :slight_smile:

yea i love that sh1t. I randomise fm patches on my m8 all the time for inspiration, then tweak to taste.

same on my elektrons with the randomise page function.

lovely stuff.

I would love to do this… similar to other companies who allow to randomize synth settings based on a page.


This seems like a no-brainer!

The polyend synth needs a tag in this as well and this feature!

Tagged Synth as it makes sense. I’m pretty confident that anything of this general capacity would be made available to all the products sharing the same synth engine.


Thank you :]

Guess my wish could go here too

Yeah I came across your feature request while moderating this one. As this is more asking for an arbitrary random patch function, I prefer to keep those separate from those that get more into the details of the implementation.

Don’t get me wrong; As a Hydrasynth owner, I would love the same ability to apply degrees of randomization between each modules, but that still is a different request in comparison to a simple randomize patch function.


I would be happy with either way to randomize!

yea same. I initially made this wish due to the play+ patch editing UI being a list of parameters that isn’t the most fun to edit.

tbh what play+ really should have imo is a similar patch edit UI to what polyend Synth ™️ has. then randomising pages would be a better wish.