Quick Pattern Copy is not consistent with Quick Step Copy

When holding a step, multiple destination steps may be pressed sequentially to make multiple copies of the source step.

While holding a pattern, only the first destination pattern becomes a copy of the source pattern. Subsequent presses of other patterns simply ignores the held source pattern and instead just selects the last pressed pattern as the active pattern.

In the absence of a pattern block Copy (which would be a HUUUGE improvement), being able to make multiple copies of the same pattern, without having to hold the source pattern again for each operation, would streamline the workflow.

This seems like a bug as I can’t see a reason for this inconsistent implementation.

Am I missing something? Is there a reason for this differing Quick Pattern Copy behavior?

Yeah, would like if patterns/variations supported the same gestures as there are for steps, including moving with the Move knob.

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Agreed. However just a block pattern copy would dramatically simplify the Play workflow IMO.

If I could easily copy and delete groups of patterns creating things on the Play would just be much smoother.

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The manual makes it appear that Quick Copy works identically for various data types.

In fact it does work identically for everything except patterns as described above. I’m going to fill out a bug report.

Pg. 38
Quick Copy: Note that quick copy can operate for steps, step pages, Patterns and
Variations. Quick copy is performed by keep holding the source [Pad] for about half a
second + Press [Pad] for any destination pads. Pads will flash blue twice when
copied to the clipboard and when pasted.

It’s now a bug report. Did I do this wrong? Is there some method to convert a topic to a bug report?