Proper Incremental naming of song stem folders

What is the problem?

Exporting song stems uses an incremental value to number the folder names.
For example <song_name>_S0001, ...S0002, S0003 and so on.

If the user deleted S0001 folder from the card and exports stems again for the same project, it will start back at S0001

As the system doesn’t have any notion of timestamp or modification datetime, it’s easy to get confused about the last effective stem export.

What should this feature achieve?

Having an incremental naming function that takes into account the highest number present in the folder (as long as it follows the schema <song_name>_<version_number>).

Are there any workarounds?

Keeping only one version or all versions, but it defeats the purpose of the already existing increment; or keep the folder but delete the files inside.

Any links to related discussions?

It was first reported here: Naming of song stems folders skips incrementation

Any references to other products?

Did i minor edit, but else all good. Thank you! :hugs:

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Cool, better, thanks!

How or when does a wish become voteable?

This specific wish is currently awaiting review by Polyend.

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Good to know, thanks :slight_smile:

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Gentle bump :innocent: