Previewing a sample effect overwrites instrument 1

Bug Description

When previewing the overdrive effect one one of my samples, and then choosing not to apply the effect, the affected sample is written to the instrument 1 slot.

Reproduction Steps

See attached video.

  1. Go to Bass Slides instrument.
  2. Select overdrive effect in the sample editor.
  3. Tweak and preview overdrive effect.
  4. Go back.
  5. Check instrument 1 in sample playback.
  6. The sample will be a weird 2-channel misaligned version of the previewed sample.


Only tested with the attached project, and haven’t seen it come up in others before, but it is always reproducible for me in this project.

Found in

  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Build: 995


Demo of bug:
Project that above video uses: Dropbox

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Hi @NoodleCollie, Thank you for reporting this bug. We are sorry you’re experiencing issues while using the Tracker+. We will do our best to resolve it and notify you when it’s ready. :slight_smile:


Is there still no fix for this yet?

Just to let you know the bug is not permanent. If you switch off the Tracker-plus and back on again the sample in slot 1 is restored however this does need to be addressed as it is nearly three months since this post and no fix in place.

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Just for the ease of reproducing the issue. Do you have your project files too at hand for attatchment?

This is actually the demo track “Tech House” that comes on the SD card.

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Hi, I’ve also encountered the same bug on the Tracker+. You can find my own report linked under the opening post in this thread.

I wanted to point out that this only seems to occur when previewing mono samples. Previewing an effect in the sample editor will overwrite the top stereo channel of instrument 1, or the entire thing if there’s a mono sample loaded into slot 1. Note that if the sample in slot 1 is longer than the one being previewed, it will only partially be rewritten by the processed audio.


This just happened to me as well, it merged a previewed beat in a nice long pad :sweat_smile:

Gentle bump on this one :innocent:

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Hi, any update on this bug? It is really getting super boring to have the first sample being merged with any previewed effect from the sample editor… :expressionless:

I also noticed in one example that it I ended up with the new sample on the Left channel of the instrument already loaded in Slot 1.

Eg I had an imported drum loop (Instrument 1), playing on Track 1, I imported a Melody loop on Instrument Slot 2 and when I stopped and restarted the pattern, the new Melody sample was being played on the left channel of Instrument 1 (Eg Meloday on the left, original drums on the right). I can Mute all other tracks and still hear Instrument 2 and if I go to the Sample Editor for Instrument 1 I can still hear the Instrument 2 sample playing when I use the preview function.

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