Polyphonic sample playing when using the Piano/Grid View

What is the problem?

When playing notes in the piano/grid view, only one note can be played at a time, even when multiple tracks are selected.

What should this feature achieve?

The polyphony of the notes played should reflect the tracks selected for a single sample. This would dramatically increase worflow when building chords on the sample side, sculpting harmonies much faster than single note placement.

Are there any workarounds?

While not exactly a workaround, when “Live Rec” is active and the appropriate amount of tracks are selected to voice the chord, this function is achievable. Obviously though, each note played is then recorded, so it’s still difficult to naturally play with harmonies.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

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Thanks for the wish @Origami_Poltergeist. I’ve ever so slightly change some wording to reflect the verbiage of the product. Hope that’s ok :slight_smile:

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Of course! Thank ya!

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Question: isn’t that technically already possible with the Piano Roll?

Or am i misunderstanding this?

Good question. I think a little confusion still might be happening around the word “piano roll”. I feel that it may be more aligned with the hold function of the view button and not the simple press of. What I am refering to specifically is the grid notes that pop up in place of the function buttons. Im not quite sure what that would be called, but it can also be set up to play like piano notes vs. grid notes within the settings menu.

I thought that yes, it was technically possible to do it. Maybe I’m wrong but I remember doing it a few weeks ago…

It’s called piano view/grid view. Actual piano roll has nothing to do with this request.

Thanks. Ive changed the title and description to reflect this.

From what I can tell, there isn’t a way of playing chords while in the piano roll independent of inputting the chords into the sequencer first. And the piano/grid view is monophonic regardless of tracks selected, unless Live Rec is active. My wish is would be for the latter to be polyphonic when more than one track is selected, without Live Rec active.

I can confirm that if you want to insert various notes in the piano roll you can do it, selectig the number of tracks you want and entering on piano roll mode.

I’m doing right now with synth 1 and 4 tracks

Can you describe how you wish differs from the current wish mentioned in this thread?

Right on. Well at its core, its not entirely different. I apologize for the redundancy. When I looked through the wish list for the Play+, i found no such wish, so i added it. Thats the only real difference i can see.

We all really appreciate that you took the time to write out the wish, really :slight_smile:

As there’s a wish that covers your desires that already open to vote on, we don’t want to create duplicates for the same functionality as it has an impact on the total votes for a wish.

I’ll log this as a duplicate if that’s ok with you?

That sounds good to me🤘 thank you!

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Cheers. Hope you get your wish :slight_smile:

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