Polyend mini recording vocals

hi how are you guys i have come
here because i can’t see anywhere about recording vocal takes and acoustic guitar takes on the polyend mini , im looking to buy one and make some little tunes with beats synths and singing and maybe some guitar ukulele and , but what i don’t know because i don’t own one is can you , for example pattern a song and then record a vocal take while your playing the song and then edit it after ? maybe do a couple takes is this possible on the mini cheers

You can record samples with the only limitation being the amount of sample time per project, if you are wanting to layer 4-5 instruments with 5 min takes each it wouldn’t have the memory for that. Also Tracker Mini doesn’t do sample playback at the same time as recording so it might not be what you are looking for.

hiya so when you mean sample playback

for example say i laid down a beat a whole song say 5 mins ( just a beat )

could i not record some guitar along with that beat ( while hearing that beat play like a metronome in the background via headphones or something

then once that is added to the song sing vocals over that literally i would need two audio tracks

is that not possible if it isn’t , there literally nothing out there for me as i want small portable recharable battery , built in audio recorder with built in sounds and audio recording this seemed perfect but in renoise on my pc it’s possible to record the samples along with the playback of the other instruments cheers pal

Yes, I think you want an sp404mk2. Instrument and mic input, huge time for sampling, effects, etc.

no internal mic which is a pain in the ass , for connecting outboard stuff

ie i just want to record without wires

also the roland has no onboard synths just the new sound thingy which doesn’t sound that good

the polyend is much better tbh

but then fails in someways that the roland succeeds

can someone not make something that does all for around £500

literally guitar vocals effects few synths , onboard mic rechargeable battery easy to program , if i had the money right now i’d make a killing on inventing a simple to use easy portable tool for musicians, these things are getting there but still seem like outdated tools compared to laptops ,