Play Plus: Shortcut to macro synth editing

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Shift+Macro Knob (CutOff, Attack,Env Mod…) would jump directly to the macro editing of the current synth and current macro, this would save 5+ clicks

What is the problem?

What should this feature achieve?

Are there any workarounds?

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?

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Hey @george-8461, welcome to Backstage. :partying_face:

May i ask you kindly to fill out the form that i added to your original post above? :blush:
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A good wish. That’d be convenient indeed.
But Shoft + Knob currently accelerates parameter changes.
From the manual:

Hold [Shift] +Turn (Knob)
Edits the parameter in view with a higher increment

Maybe something like Shift + Tap on Knob?

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