Just watched this video:
Coud be an interesting combination with the Mini or the Play +
If someone could have the opportunity to try out this combo would be great to know their first impressions.
Cheers to everyone!
Just watched this video:
Coud be an interesting combination with the Mini or the Play +
If someone could have the opportunity to try out this combo would be great to know their first impressions.
Cheers to everyone!
I still would recommend the Arturia Minilab 3 as it features a full sized MIDI Out and additional faders.
If you want to use the Launchkey, you’ll need to convert its type-A MIDI TRS output to type-B to use with Polyend gear (or convert the USB MIDI, pick your poison).
I’ll second @Sandroid 's recommendation of the Arturia Minilab 3 - I have two of them and the full 5-pin is super nice to have. Knobs/faders are also configurable, which the Launchkey should also be able to do. Build quality is probably comparable.
Slight clarification to @wencer 's comment above. It seems the full-size versions of the Launchkey MK4 line have a 5-pin MIDI out port; only the mini-37 and mini-25 MK4 Launchkeys have a TRS MIDI out. It seems if you use either of the mini versions, you’ll have to get a Type-A TRS-to-MIDI adapter, then a standard MIDI cable, then connect that to the Tracker’s Type-B TRS-to-MIDI adapter, which seems like a PITA. I can say that I have successfully connected my Launchkey 49 MK3 to my Tracker using only the Tracker’s Type-B TRS-to-MIDI adapter and a standard 5-pin MIDI cable. I would be more interested in Launchkey MK4 line if my current MK3 didn’t already meet my needs. Hope that helps!
Hey, thanks @hansjmaverick for the imput…
But… in the case of the mk4 mini versions, isn’t it possible to use a trs a to trs b cable directly without the 5 pin midi adapters?
Im.thinking in potability whith the mini… im new to the a/b hell of midi .
Also, there’s an objective disadvantage in the trs use in midi? (Appart of the a b affair?)
Cheers and thanks again for your kind andswers!
You can find 3.5mm ↔ 3.5mm jack adapters/converters from A to B to simplify things.
Here’s some links:
That will keep the cables pretty simple. Also there is no disadvantage when using TRS (besides the standards mess )
I bought a couple of these adapters and basically don’t have to think about it. Trying to just be TRS for everything. When I plug something in to another thing and midi isn’t working, I either add or remove an adapter and it works
Sorry I didn’t get a chance to respond sooner - it looks like some other folks have already weighed in with helpful advice. I haven’t had much luck directly connecting a TRS cable between two devices that both use TRS for MIDI (In my case, it was my Tracker and a Roland SP-404 SX.) I wasn’t aware that there are TRS A-to-B adapters, which other folks have kindly provided links to. So that’s good to know!
Just to add to this (I have both the LK Mini Mk3 and Minilab 3.)
Minilab is a fantastic MIDI controller, primarily winning out on feel. The main reason I like it is for the flexibility. It’s not too small that it is cramped, but it’s also not so big that it doesn’t sit nicely alongside a Polyend box. I know many use the Keystep or KS37, and as I understand it, these are the same keys but 25 of them. They feel great to play despite bieng slim keys. I’ve made 3 custom modes for it that allow playing in stuff for beat slice mode, to mix 8 channels via the macros and to control the 12 performance effects. For what they charge for this thing it’s a steal.
The Novation boards were recently updated to mk4 and have some nice looking new features. I’d say if you’re not a player it’s a good option actually. Main reason I mention this is that the bigger keys on the Arturia are better for playing stuff in, and the keys on the Novation are definitley its weak point. But Novation also wins in a couple other areas. The onboard smarts (chord mode, arp etc) are really good and the pads are a lot more responsive than those on the Arturia, and you get 16 of them. Obviously if you use Ableton it has that double purpose as well in being very tightly designed to control the DAW as well. And they have a 37 key version too.
I’d say if Arturia improved the quality of the pads and made it either 32 or 37 keys, it would be no contest. But as of the minute it’s a case of which of these pros you prefer, and which cons you can live with.
Just about to pull the trigger on a Novation Mk4 mini. The chord and scale stuff look really cool.
Has anyone else tried connecting a Launch key to a polyend device? Will I deffo need a trs adapter? This site seems to think the TRS midi is Type B.
Ok just saw on Novation’s website it says:
“Previously our products used Type B, but as of the Launchkey Mini MK3, they follow and use the MIDI Association standard and use Type A.”
I’ll get an adapter… !