Mute Synths From Global Mixer Page

On Global Mixer page on Tracker+ & Mini, add mute/unmute control to screen buttons for the 3 synths.

What is the problem?

Mute control for Synths on Global Mixer page omitted for some reason.

What should this feature achieve?

Mute / Unmute the 3 synths.

Are there any workarounds?

Turning levels to 0 and back manually.

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?



@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile:

Hello, I have the same problem. If I use Synth 3 on any Midi track, I can’t mute it. I thought this might be a Bug that will be fixed in the future. I also can’t find the mixer for midi tracks 8 to 16. Does anyone know how to call it up?

Hi I’m not sure if this is what you mean but…if you’re in pattern mode, scroll the cursor to the right until you hit any track after track 8 then press and hold shift. You’ll then see the midi tracks and with a button press under the tracks you can mute them. You can also turn the 3 synths up and down on one of the master mixer settings. A future update might possibly make this more intuitive.

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Right! It took me a while to find that.

I guess this wish is specifically about the Mixer page.

Although I would expect to be able to mute/unmute per track from the Mixer page. This is how non-MIDI tracks work and that’s how it works from the Pattern page already as @D-Jameses pointed out.

Hello, thanks for the tip. The mute buttons work for me except for Synth 3. It just doesn’t work.

I see it the same way, if a device has 16 tracks, there should also be 16 tracks in the mixer, and of course this includes solo and mute.

Do you mean Synth 3 is on a midi track and when you move the cursor to that track and after pressing shift you can’t mute it from there even though the midi mute buttons are showing?

Hello, yes exactly. Strangely enough, this happens with Synth 3. If I switch to Synth 1 or Synth 2, the mute function works again. This problem does not occur on tracks 1 to 8 either. Well, let’s wait and see, it is probably “just” a bug