Make the jogwheel smooth and fast

The jogwheel works nice when moving through steps or when using the browser. But it’s a nightmare to use when editing long samples, moving start/end points, etc… Mine goes super slow, sometimes it goes back, etc…

Would be great to solve this as it’s been like this forever. (already had the jogwheel replaced by Polyend, no difference)

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There is an open wish similar to what you are saying, here:

It’s also possible that you might have an overly greased encoder, something that is very common and has an easy fix to make it run smoother / more precise. Check out this video:


Already voted for his suggestion, mine is slightly different though.

Also, Polyend replaced my jogwheel last year because of the overly greased encoder but still it’s not working as good as I expect it (in sample editor in particular). I own two Trackers (1st version + rounded button version) but they both have the same issue, that’s why I’m pretty sure it is software related.

I just send my Tracker at Polyend for replace the jog wheel. It’s the weak point of the Tracker. Cleaning it just solve temporarily the problem, open a ticket from the support page :slight_smile: