Looping sample playback on Editor page

When working with loops in the sample editor. Previewing a loop (sample) at present stops at the end of sample. To see how the sample works as a loop a looping playback function would be useful. Especially to hear if loop is good before having to use crop.

I propose the UI gap between undo and apply to be loop playback controlled by the corresponding below button

What is the problem?

Unable to preview sample in sample editor screen as continuous loop.

What do you want to achieve?

Continuing looping playback in Sample editor.

Are there any workarounds?

Crop and then check in looping playback with song/pattern.

Any links to related discussions?


Any references to other products?

Different playback options in sample editor of mpc.


This would be awesome indeed!

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Great idea

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@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile:


Yes, this will be so useful and time saving!:metal:

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That would be fantastic, or even better, applying the looping part of the waveform as a crop to the original waveform once you are happy with how is sounding, as it will take take also into account the LFOs, envelopes, FX, and so on :wink:

@here we just noticed that this a duplicate of another wish that has more votes:

Please move your votes as we are going to close this wish automatically in the coming days.


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