Looping on parts of a pattern

Nice, this would essentially be a looping as well i suppose but in a different guise.

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ā€œHope to lineā€ could work really well. I would hope there is a way to ā€œlockā€ into that line so one doesnā€™t need to ā€œhope to lineā€ after each play.

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If you hop upwards it will create a loop. Hop downwards and youā€™d need another hop to go back up otherwise itā€™d loop from start again.

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I also needed this feature for a better workflow before I discovered that it was possible to do shift+play to start playback from wherever we wantā€¦ :dizzy_face:

So now I would especially like this feature for the possibilities it could offer in terms of polymetry :wink:


Ah yea its a nice feature but i still find navigating to the spot takes the time as well.
Fix a start point and fix and end point and loop would be ideal or as @paul-8189 says a hop to mark would do it.


While working this afternoon, I was literally wishing I could do this because it gets a bit much having to listen to the whole pattern over and over when Iā€™m just trying to focus on a smaller part.