Live recording on one track

What is the problem?

Currently the live recording of 16 * 1/16 notes in 16 length pattern on single track is impossible.
This is because of OFFs.

Can OFF command be skipped in case following note-on is precisely at the same time of previous note-off?
It should works fine considering during playback every note-on is anuanced before by additional note-off, witch is not stored in track.

What should this feature achieve?

Live record 16 * 1/16 notes in 16 length pattern on single track.

Are there any workarounds?

Use two tracks instead of one.

Hey @pitmast , i’m confused. Isn’t this the same as the other wish you’ve posted a while ago or is this the other idea you were eluding to?

Sorry if i got it wrong as i haven’t followed the previous wish in detail :blush:

I’m sorry, you’re right.

Please do attach it to ‘Live recording - too much OFF commands’ or erase it, as you wish :wink:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Live recording - too much OFF commands

I’ve copied the intial/additional information to the existing wish.
Hence i will close this one as duplicate. :blush:

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