What is the problem?
When generating steps/notes for a track using Random/Random+ fill operations, pressing Fill will revert the sample and parameters to the same state as when no tracks are selected.
What should this feature achieve?
User should be able to generate new steps/notes using Random/Random+ operations while retaining the already selected sample and parameters for the selected track.
Additionally this also speeds up the sample swapping when the sample for the track is retained when pressing Fill.
Are there any workarounds?
The workaround is to have no tracks selected and then define the sample with desired parameters, but this method becomes tedious when user wants to quickly swap the sample.
In concrete terms, I outlined the current workaround for changing the sample for Fill and then outlined the suggested workflow (this Wishlist item) below.
Current workaround:
- User deselects all tracks.
- User defines sample and parameters.
- User selects track.
- User presses Fill.
- User wants to change sample: repeat steps 1-4
Suggested workflow:
- User selects track.
- User defines sample and parameters.
- User presses Fill.
- User wants to change sample: repeat steps 2-3
Any links to related discussions?
Nothing that would offer more on the topic itself. There’s a discussion between two users who share the exact sentiment.
Any references to other products?
Well, any product that has random note generation is able to keep the selected sample when regenerating.