Is PHZ not coming to Tracker + / Play +?

If you’re referring to me, I asked for WT engine back in June.

And I disagree with you that Polyend products sharing the same synths would make them sound the same. That’s you, as a sound designer and a musician, who make your music sound different. How many instances of DX7 was sold worldwide? I guess a lot, like really a lot. Does that make all music where DX7 was involved sound indistinguishable sound-wise?

I don’t need phase distortion, physical modeling, granular or even sample looping. I only need a wavetable synth. Because I’m able to make my own wavetables with other tools that I have in my arsenal. The way I make my wavetables defines the way my music sound. A guy who owns another Polyend device with the same wavetable engine would craft their own wavetables. There must be freedom for people to be different, there must be freedom for artists to sound different.