Polyend Synth will be secured after the 21st. Vulture Culture sealed the deal. It can send midi out to three synths with all of the features (arp, chord) and polyphonic after touch. I have several synths, including the ASM desktop. I have nothing in the studio that can do this. At this price point and value add, it’s a no brainer. There was mention of LPP as an alternative. When you think about the work involved plus that is it, just a controller, it’s not an apples to apples.
Also, this talk about “oh, they will come out with a Synth +” So what. If it happens, you do what Elecktron fan boys do. That is just hate talking.
Agree with you. People who has synth can make a wish for audio over USB. If there is technically impossible, the wish will be rejected. It has happened before.
I am waiting to purchase it. If it’s possible add audio over USB sure I’ll do because for me right now it has no sense to record something with it unless part by part. And with Play+ could be a great combo!
I have just received my Synth. Upgraded the firmware and tried a little play around. First it sounds great almost straightaway got sounds I felt I should be recording . Second, I dislike silicone pads - that said these have a crisper feel than those I have previously tried, which is good, and playing with the settings I got something that seems to work for me - worth exploring the system settings folk! Of course it looks and feels good, and solidly built.
What is very clear that learning this Synth is going to be different to just another synth but it’s also going to do some amazing different things. I’m sure I will end up making music that I wouldn’t have expected with it.
Nice touch that it comes with a small First Steps card. Just hope a full manual will follow soon - there seems to be some stuff that’s not covered in the Essentials book.
A new adventure for me.
This reminds me. If anyone has any questions they’d like answered, or if you want me to make a quick video showing something off - let me know. I’ll be happy to provide that info for y’all
You are too kind - thank you .
Lucky for you - there are far more talented people that created scenes/presets for the machine. So i guess it’s all uphill from here!
Well, I thought I had left Polyend behind after I sold my Play+ in frustration (shortly before the new betas). Been waiting instead for Digitone 2 stock to come in for a channel where I can get 20% off through knowing the dealer. And it still bothers me that Polyend were working on this while delaying Play+ updates over and over. But I have to grudgingly admit this looks like a whole heap of fun. Order incoming.
Very nice job. Got mine yesterday and am finding my way around well.
Two (stupid) questions about 1.0.1:
How do I save a single synth from a scene? Shift-Preset doesn’t seem to be bringing up the preset browser for a specific synth preset. I can save synth presets when I edit them though. (It’s not a hardware problem – my shift key works fine with other keys, as does my Scene button).
Is there a way to change the octave on a pad besides going into the master menu and tweaking the grid settings? (For performance reasons, I mean).
By default you will see a Save Button. When you hold Shift it will change to a Save as Button.
Yes there is. Hold the Screen Button for the Synth you want to change and use the Screen Encoder to quickly switch Octaves. It will be indicated on the top right of the screen.
Polyend play - drums
Tracker - midi controllers to ch1, ch2, ch3 for Polyend Synth ( 3 synth play together ) and for Line In come back audio from Mixer for making video with sound on mobile phone.
Synth - for Synths
Compressor Press - for final main mix
SansAmp and EQ+Drive before compressor, make all sounds more warm and glue