Introducing the Polyend Step

Yeah i corrected that😅


Looks like it might be a specific issue with the 9v outputs on the Strmon power supplies using certain digital chips. Strymon power supply issues – Champion Leccy
It won’t cause any damage to the pedal or power supply to connect it though, so don’t worry there.

If your pedal works with the 12v output, then I recommend to keep using it; however, my Zuma will not work with any output on multiple Steps that I’ve tested.


Ah okay it causes a brownout, not so funny for such a expensive pu.

Thank you!! I tried to find a way in the manual to erase patterns on a new song… how do we quickly erase patterns on the polyend step? Besides erasing steps one by one?

second this.

Hi, the way to erase a pattern on a new song would be to copy an empty pattern to the one you want to erase.

Hi, I just purchased the Polyend Step drum machine and currently waiting for it to be delivered. I skimmed the manual but may have missed it, but can you save all patterns and songs etc to an external device, and also reimport the backups in the event that the unit gets reset? Also is there going to be an external software application to program the Polyend Step via a Mac/PC?

Many thanks!

Thanks for purchasing the Step. You can back-up all songs from the SD card to a computer and reimport them - I would recommend occasionally backing it up. I don’t think an external software editor is likely as everything can be done on the pedal fairly easily. Also, you could use the Play to make beat patterns and import them to the Step if you wanted more control/knobs for parameters.

Sorry I missed this getting added but you can delete a pattern by holding the corresponding pattern pad in song view and pressing the effect button.

I’m very impressed w/ Step so far except for one thing: where are shakers, conga, bongo, guiro and other hand percussions? thought we’d at least get the 808 ones but haven’t found yet. please please do a sounds pack for these types of instruments – maybe one from Brazil, one from Cuba, etc…thanks so much!

Also curious about this! I’ve tried using the midi sync with my looper that works with other drum machines, midi clock and start stop signals all working fine, however this isn’t working with the poly step as far as I can tell! Hopefully a firmware update will solve it

Midi sync, start and stop doesn’t seem to be working for me! My looper works fine with other drum machines, any advice on getting midi set up on steps end? I’ve tried assigning midi in to Jack on the main menu.

Sorry maybe I missed it; what is looper are you using? Really helps us if you can be specific with the gear you’re using to help diagnose your issue :slight_smile:

It’s a boss rc300, thank you for the speedy response!

I’m in love with the Step (replacing the RC-500 drum part), brilliant solution for non-programming guitar players. BUT…
Is nobody disappointed about the Program Change solution for 1000 songs?
Song = ((MIDI Channel # - 1) x 128) + PC Value Received)
The Step is claiming all midi channels for song select!!!
That is ridiculous, I have a whole board with midi-controlled effect pedals, each with their own midi channel with PC’s and the Step will responds to all PC’s.
That’s useless for all midi pedalboards and that’s exactly what it is ment for. Am I right?

Solution is first of all, the Step gets it’s own user definable midi channel.
Then a few user selectable set/user lists, with 128 slots selectable by midi PC #, where each slot could be filled with one of the 1000 songs.

Occupying all midi channels is insane, a dealbreaker for me (and like I said, I’m in love with the Step so this hurts big time :frowning:
I’ve had contact with Polyend and they said that ‘probably’ the next firmware update will address this issue.
So…I need support from all users, probably not even aware of this design mistake.
A drummachine should have flawless midi sync and use up only one midi channel.
So, Step users, are you agree with me?
This all midi channel issue should have priority in the next update!

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this is truly awkward.