I want one! I wanna do some blues and shred with one!
Send me one polyend lol
I want one! I wanna do some blues and shred with one!
Send me one polyend lol
This looks like a great product that fills an important niche for some performers. Kudos to the team!!
Hi community,
Just bought my Polyend Step, will received it soon !!
I’m a looping artist. Working with my pedalboard (midi) + rc505mk2+ sampler (sp404mk2 or mpc one+)
Does someone know if the Polyend Step will be able to receive a midi signal to start a drum pattern (verse of song).
AND then, when it’s time for the chorus of the song to come, I could send a midi signal to stop the verse pattern and start another pattern which it would be the chorus pattern???
Thank you
It has program change so I guess is possible to change patterns via midi PC. And it has transport in. You can control play/stop externally.
Ok great! What is « transport in »?
The Step uses Program Change to switch songs, and Control Change to switch Patterns.
There’s no physical transport in, but you can control Stop/Start over MIDI.
Like most Polyend gear, you have control over what come in and out over MIDI Jacks, USB with an option for both.
First impression (half hour). WOW
Turn on, play, and song 1 pattern 1 (called New Car; good marketing) starts playing. Interestingly enough, after the initial kick what sounds is a synth chord pluck. 7 plucks spread in the 16 steps, no more drums. Pattern number 1 is already making a statement that this is not just a “drum” machine.
Next Pattern, and now a breakbeat-like rhythm starts kicking. 175 tempo. This feels good. I start punching effects, jumping patterns, changing songs. There are lots (lots) of beats (rhythms) and kits (sample collections) to try and combine. Also 20 songs (projects) that give you an idea of the possibilities.
I start creating a new song. 4 tracks, 16 steps, step parameters… Having done this in other devices, everything works as expected. I wonder how punch effects, master effects and another instrument through the line in would combine but… it’s Saturday, I have Saturday things to do, and I need to go.
I’ll get back to this later. Happy to answer questions if I can. Disclaimer: I’m a very amateur dude very bad at creating drums – and this is why I got this, to save me most of the hassle. I can see myself combining and tweaking presets more than creating things from scratch, and I’m not a live performer at all. Bitwig user.
EDIT: oh, the touch feel and weight… feels very good and solid and sturdy, but also sophisticated. Very subjective, of course.
We need a spoiler alert dropdown
We have one!
Thanks for sharing! You should do a video tutorial. I hope they will do more video on the Polyend Step.
There are several video tutorials / demos out there by people who are real musicians and good video producers. Unlike me.
Very interesting take on drumboxes.
I was curious does this have any built in fill patterns or transitions like sequences or do those all need to be programmed manually.
Although it doesn’t technically have built-in fill patterns, you can easily use some of the punch-in effects to work as fills to change the playback of the current pattern.
We put a lot of thought and testing in pattern transitions too so you can either latch an effect and then change patterns and keep that effect or you can select pattern change then latch an effect and it will disengage when the next pattern starts.
Need help please…
Is there some geeks in this house??
Can someone explain to me why the Polyend Step works fine with 12V 375ma but not with a 9V 500ma? My power supply is a Strymon Zuma.
I even tried to combine, with a special cable from voodoo lab, that add the ma from 2 outputs but not the voltage: 9V 1000ma and still not working properly. (Humming noise like when I tried with one output)
So… works fine with 12v 375ma, but Polyend spec for the Step Manual is 500ma. Am I gonna damage it eventually or not?? I’m lost in the sauce someone help me please!!
Thank you
12V 375mah are 4.5W so are 9V 500mah. Get yourself a proper 9V pu 1000mah min.
Your 9v 500mah pu seems to put out below rating.
Edit: PS can handle 9-18V so you are good to use 12V.
Running the pedal at 12v will not damage the pedal as it is designed to handle anything between 9-18volts, with either center positive or negative polarity. We are investigating the power issues with the Strymon Zuma now, and will get back to you on this but for now I would recommend using the 12v output as it will not harm the pedal.