If polyend makes available an API to connect with the play, I take the following oath

And the oath is the I will make a desktop application to manage the play.

Use cases: that I think it can be useful with are

Advanced management of samples and sets:

Do you still have that horrible piano sound in ram? select all the patterns using it, and replace it for one in ram or load one already in the pool or totally new from the card. Why not copy that other pattern (even from that other project, who knows).

Midi mapping: open the pdf midi chart of any gear and program it’s CCS directly from the pc to sequence your companion machine(s). (Even save templates to recall later :pray:

I am a software developer with 15+ years of experience, I would gladly make this app, open source it in GitHub and make it possible for us, the community to enjoy it for free.

I know publishing and API in an already limited CPU and ram can be a crazy thing to do while playing música, but I think most users would love to have another usb mode offline (without audio) with device editing capabilities could be great.

Example: something like crunch/elk-herd but for the play instead of the Digitakt.

The main difference is that I plan to use JavaScript and a framework to make it work desktop machines directly instead of in a browser, and allow others to help as much as possible in case I couldn’t work in it for any reason.

Please polyend :pleading_face::heart:


I will take an oath to make sure yellow_13 follows through on his oath.


You can easily replace a sample you don’t like with another one. Each sample file in the project/samples folder has a name following the pattern ‘NNN_<sample_name>.wav’ where N is a digit. You can delete the sample from the SD card and put another and name it like ‘NNN_<new_sample_name.wav>’. So if you had a sample like 011_bad_piano_sample.wav delete it and save a new sample under name 011_good_piano_sample.wav and all patterns will now use the new sample.
I use this technique for renaming, replacing and processing samples on PC.


Nice trick bro! I’ll use it from now on, thanks!

This is really good to know! :pray:

you don’t need to publish code API to create utility like this.

File format description would be enough, you only need SD card plugged into your computer…

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Shameless plug :laughing:

I know this talks about the Play, but if this has a chance, maybe the Play could be considered too?

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It’s probably a good idea to think through a bunch of use cases that you’re interested in, and then figure out: which of these could in principle be handled by MIDI? Which could be handled by USB storage (assuming file format documentation)? And then advocate for addressing any missing MIDI support and format docs. “API” here seems a bit too vague and unlikely to happen.


I hope it’s considered for the play, that’s exactly what I meant, If the specs are similar this app could be used for the tracker also! :wink::wink:

@lubopanak I used the term API because as a web developer that’s what I tend to use to work but a specification like the one @Sandroid would be totally what I am thinking about.

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UPDATE: I took a look into the files used, but unfortunately, my knowledge of binary formats is not very good to make any further progress. I’m still eager to create something for the community anyway

i feel the same esp about midi implementation, it would be so easy to add if they were open source