Could you please tell me if there is such an option (Like on Polyend Play)?
I couldn’t find it on YouTube or in the user manual.
Could you please tell me if there is such an option (Like on Polyend Play)?
I couldn’t find it on YouTube or in the user manual.
no way?
I’m not quite sure what you are asking here.
You mean queuing a pattern change?
If so - when in Pattern view, you can press the pattern screen-key and use arrow left/right to queue the next pattern you want. Up/Down or Johwheel will change it immediately.
The same works in Performance Mode. Hold the Tracks you want to change and press Arrow Left/Right to queue a pattern. Up/Down will change it immediately.
Thanks! This is exactly what I meant. Yes, using the arrows works, but it’s very inconvenient. Why can’t I just press the pads at the bottom and select the pattern I need to queue? Why does it switch them instantly?
There is a wish for this actually
I think the issue can be solved very simply. Add a key combination with SHIFT to queue the pattern.
It’s really unclear, there are so many oversights and shortcomings, bugs in the product. And the Polyend team is not in a hurry to fix them. It feels like I’m sometimes using a beta product, which can freeze and require a reboot.
Read the wish, Shift is actually a terrible idea. Unless you like finger acrobatics
You can nor work without acrobatics on Tracker