How to set up an instrument on a separate MIDI channel?

I want to use Polyend Play as a sequencer, but I can’t send individual channels to separate instruments.

For example, I want to play Kick, Snare, and HiHat on the Tracker simultaneously.

Any ideas?

I don’t know how Polyend Play works (I’m only Tracker user), but if I should trigger tracker instruments from another Polyend Tracker, then I would use following method: (guessing)

  1. jump to M1 (midi channel 1) as instrument and use the midi fx I (random instrument and define the desired instrument to be triggered)

  2. If instrument was packed as one audio file with beatslides as playback, then you could also use the fx S to define a desired slice to be triggered.

I have not seen an option to define a midi channel incl keygroup on individual instruments. [maybe a suggestion for a wish?]

Thank you for your response. The only way I have found is to use the Beat Slice tool or the Perc generator. It seems that the Tracker does not allow each instrument to be set to a separate MIDI channel.

There is no way to create a pattern on the more convenient Polyend Play and then simply record it onto the Tracker. You either have to record each track separately.

It’s a bit unclear to me what you are actually doing (and does not work for you). But you need to remember to set the MIDI channels via the Sample dial. That way, you can place steps for different MIDI out channels. Apart from that, it works exactly the same way as with samples (and the synths on the Play+):You can place steps for all channels on all tracks, mixed together. To play 3 things at the same time (e.g. a kick, snare and hat on another device), you need to place 3 steps in different tracks that will trigger at the same time.

I haven’t used MIDI in on the Tracker to an extend where I would know how to set that up. I don’t know whether you just used it as an example or this is actually the device you want to control from the Play. But if it is, then maybe someone else can help with that part.

This is not possible. You can only play one sample/instrument at a time on the Tracker via MIDI. Now if your instrument is a beat slice, this could still work though.

This is called MIDI Synthesizer Mode by the way.
You can read more about it in the Manual - Section 11.9 MIDI Synthesizer.

There is a wish regarding allowing changing instruments via MIDI for this mode:

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It’s a shame that you can’t fully use an external sequencer. (((

Please vote in the wishlist about this request. I just bought a tracker and I’m disappointed that it has this limitation

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