No need to copy a file. Just locate a sample in the samples folder inside a project folder. It will have a name like ‘072_old_sample_name.wav’. Rename it like ‘072_new_sample_name.wav’. When you load the project in the Play, the sample name will change accordingly.
If a project in which you want to rename a sample is the last opened project in Play, you should rename the sample file in workspace/samples.
The sample will have a name like ‘NNN abcd.wav’ where NNN is three digits. You should not change those. But anything after can be changed.
Thank you for the detailed instructions with images. I finally understand.
I assume that the workspace is what resides in the “active” memory of the Polyend Play, if we can call it that. So, you need to change the file names not in the project folder, but in the “workspace” folder.
However, this means that to change file names in any project, you first need to load the project so that it appears in the workspace.
When you open a project on your Play, it deletes everything in workspace folder and copies the project content, including samples, into workspace. The project now has two states - a ‘saved’ state in Projects/Your project name and ‘current’ state in workspace folder.
Conversely, when you save the project, workspace folder gets copied back to Projects/Your project name.
There can be the only active project at any time. All other projects have only one ‘saved’ state in the Projects folder.
To rename a sample in the active project, you have to do so in workspace directory.
To rename a sample in another project, you simply go to the project folder (Projects/Your project name/samples) and rename it there. Next time you open the project, Play will ‘see’ your sample renaming.
I find the renaming of the forum topic unfair. Moreover, you are hiding the problem from the developers as if it doesn’t exist. At the moment, there is no option to directly rename file names in Polyend Play. The fact that we spent the whole day searching for workarounds is not a good example. This is not a normal user experience and should not be a guideline.
Then name it fairly: Play does not support file renaming, but there are workarounds to achieve it.
You can do that, but using titles like “Hello i like to tell a story about…” as title is misleading. A good title should be spot-on and not story telling…
And if it is a bug or wish, then you can tag it like that, yes?