How do I preview different perc sounds in edit view on mini?

I’m playing with Perc on my tracker mini + and I can’t figure out how to preview another drum when I’m editing the patch. Hitting the center D pad only plays the kick. I can assign the different notes and hear them in my grid. I can’t figure out how to preview the hi hat or snare from the edit view.

My expectation is that when I set the focus to another drum, I hear that drum when I hit the center d pad. Even if Tom is selected, all I hear is the kick.

When making kits with perc, I usually just choose one of the synths i.e. S1 S2 or S3, select perc and use that same synth over multiple tracks. For each track, make a quick fill pattern using the perc note assignments and only solo the track or tracks I want to hear at a time while designing the kit , then save (save as) the patch so its ready to use.

Thanks for replying. That seems like a lot of extra work just to hear a tom or snare haha. Is there not a way to hear the different sounds from within the perc kit while you’re editing the kit? It is always only the kick drum?

I don’t know. What you can do is, just save a simple basic pattern in a project and name it “perc designer” and use it each time you want to create a new patch, save your patch (save as), then, when your ready to use your new kit in a project, just load it up.

I found this post… Simple way to preview all PERC elements while editing - Wishlist - Polyend Backstage