Simple way to preview all PERC elements while editing

Allow preview of the other PERC percussions when tweaking properties by playing the currently active percussion in the editor.

What is the problem?

Currently when trying to audition/preview the PERC synth, it always plays the Kick.
It is currently not possible to preview/audition any of the other percussive sounds without the help of a sequence or an external MIDI Controller.

What should this feature achieve?

Since every percussive element has it’s own section in the editor,
play/perview the percussive sound that is currently being actively tweaked.

If a section has multiple elements, they could be played in a round-robin way.

Are there any workarounds?

  • Create a sequence and play it while tweaking
  • Connect an external controller

Any links to related discussions?

Any references to other products?


@Sandroid Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting :slight_smile:

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We definitely need this feature on the mini

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@Sandroid I think the latest beta grants this wish? If you use a scale filter you can preview all drums and 1 Tom pitch.

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