FAD steps become notes after song mode loops around

Bug Description

After the song loops round to the beginning and replays After an amount of patterns have played; the FAD trigs in a sequence become played notes.

I’ve played about with this and it seems to be after about 6 patterns have played through although I’m not convinced this is the trigger for it.

I’ve attached another project file (obeisant stamp_150824.zip (2.4 MB)) where it happens around the second drop of what I’m playing about with, if you just load the project and play from Pattern 24/25 it doesn’t happen but playing through from the start or from a few patterns before it will start doing the FAD trigs.

Reproduction Steps

I’ve attached the project file this happens on. This bug seems project-specific as it hasn’t happened on others.

Play attached project through and FAD become notes on second or later play, this specifically happens on Track 10 of the project, monophonic VAP instrument.


Always for that project.

Found in

  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Build: 995


obeisant stamp.zip (2.4 MB)

Additional Bug Observations

Track 7: Filter LFO note FX can have some ‘overhang’ and modify the base filter value as the song plays, leading to inconsistencies in filter frequency as the song plays.

Using step FX to modify the synth macros also doesn’t correctly reset it’s parameters once the note is complete. Using FAD/CUT/OFF to close it off didn’t seem to reset either.
You can mitigate this with further note FX for the macro on a later note in the sequence but it feels imprecise to do this as it doesn’t return to the patch settings.

I have noticed that using chord FX on some of the instruments can cause extremely high CPU usage, using the FAT synth and playing a chord results in an immediate red bar/overload with minimal other instruments running.

I don’t have examples for the last two points in the supplied project but these are probably quite easy to reproduce.

Thanks for the report and already having the project attached!

Did some cleanup, restructuring, categorization. Hope that’s ok :blush:

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I have also edited it a tiny bit.

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Hi I’ve added another attached project and some more info as I played about with the project a bit more it’s manifested slightly differently. Hopefully I haven;t messed the formatting too much.

I’m getting kinda attached to a couple of the ghost notes now. :slight_smile:

Hi @Aramid , sorry for late reply and thank you for logging this. I tried playing your project obeisant stamp.zip (2.4 MB) and focusing on track Midi 10, but cannot reproduce the issue.

First of all, using FAD and CUT on Synths and MIDI instruements (as explained in the manual) is same as using OFF, which is a simple Note Off. Those mean different thing for Sample Instruments, where they fade or cut the audio. Does the issue happen if you use OFF instead of FAD in this case?

Secondly, I am guessing it an issue with hanging note/voice, so when there is Note Off received, it plays the hanging note, which isn’t played all the time because of voice limit on the synth itself (S2 VAP synth in your project is set to Polyphony = 1). This is my guess, since I cannot reproduce the issue.

Does it happen when you Mute all other tracks and only play Track 10?

I cannot find Pattern 24/25 in your project.

Are you doing anything else or even touching the Tracker while it’s playing and before the bug occurs? Maybe another interaction is triggering the bug?

Please read How to report bugs : and don’t report multiple bugs under one report / topic. These are definitely separate topics.

Sorry you’re experiencing issues with the Tracker and thanks for your support!

Hi @Aramid , any updates on this issue? Can you help us with the reproduction please? Thanks again!

Closing for now due to no response and no reproduction.

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