Estimated shipment of the Tracker Mini

Hi everyone :slight_smile: I’m super hyped for getting my hands on the mini and playing around with it! I was wondering if there are any news updates/estimate on shipment dates? I have looked around in all social media account and there has been no mention whatsoever of the Tracker mini in the official accounts since the initial product launch.

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Glad you are hyped on the Mini, it is a lot of fun!

As of now, the status is as follows: We had a very unexpected delay on a part that looks to have pushed our release time back about two weeks. So I would estimate adding about two extra weeks from the initial shipment time. We should be able to get the first orders out the door at the end of July but this means most orders will ship in August.

Sorry that you haven’t heard anything about this yet. I was waiting until we were 100% sure this was happening, as there was a chance that the part would come in on time, and in fact there is still a small chance they will start shipping mid-July, but I would bet on the end of July to be safe.


Thanks for the swift reply, looking forward!!

Thank you, pretty disappointing but I’m sure you guys are just as disappointed as us.

Fingers crossed for no more hiccups!

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Thank you for the update. Would you mind replying to this thread when shipments begin, so those of us in the first batch have an idea for when we might receive our mini?

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Sure, I’ll post updates here if I have any more news.


Thanks for the update @Mitch

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Tracker assembly has started. Now we are just waiting for a minor (but key) part to get to the warehouse to finish the builds and then we can start shipping. Still on schedule to start shipping at the end of July, once we start shipping we’ll have a better idea of how fast we can get them out.


thanks for the update!!

Thanks for the update, Mitch

Hi Mitch,

Just curious - does your order number accurately represent where you are in line? For example, if I’m order #19001, does that literally mean there are 19,000 orders that will be shipped out ahead of mine? If so, how long do you think it would take to ship out 19,000 units? Also, do you know how these are being mailed to customers? Express, or standard, mail? I’m just trying to calculate if I believe I’ll receive my order before my summer vacation at the end of August.

Hi Brian,

I think the order numbers are somewhat arbitrary. As for dates, if you ordered the July batch you would get it before the end of August. If you ordered the August batch, it would be at the end of August or early September.
They’ll ship DHL express which usually takes about 3 days to the States, up to 5 business days, I’ve seen them arrive in 1 day if you are in a hub like NYC.

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Hi Mitch,

Brilliant. I’m in the July batch, and I’m also located in NYC, so sounds like there’s a good chance I’ll receive it before the end of August. Fingers crossed. Thank you for taking the time to respond.


Also wondering is there a dedicated manual for the mini at this time? I have been told it’s 95% the same as the original but since I’ve never had an original or a tracker I have no idea how to translate the difference of buttons and functions. To me they both look very different from each other. It would be ideal to learn with a dedicated mini manual while in waiting for its arrival. I have a once in a lifetime retreat in Oct I was hoping to bring this on and I would love to know how to use it before I go. It’s always been a part of the excitement for this retreat since I discovered it and purchased it in April. I thought I’d have more time with it before I left but it’s looking like I won’t have much time to figure it out. Access to a dedicated manual ahead of arrival would be very much appreciated.

We’ll have a manual up within a week. Some final tweaks to the firmware are holding us back from publishing it right now.


Any updates for realistic expectations for the first batch? Are you confident on shipping all of them during the month of August?


Looks like now they will start going out at the end of next week. I’m confident we will get the entire July batch out in August. That being said we do have a pretty large queue of preorders, so we’ll have better ideas of exact times next week.

The essentials manual is now up on the website as well, there will also be a larger manual soon - I’m happy to hear feedback or field questions on the essentials manual if anything isn’t clear.


Thanks, Mitch. Appreciate you keeping us informed.

Hi, I’m new here and this is my first post.

I preordered mine (first Polyend product for me) when you announced it. I had my eyes on the OG for a while but the mobility of the mini really did it for me.
That and the fact I will be able to sample my synths in stereo.

The moment I saw Benn Jordan’s video and then Isobutane’s content featuring the mini, I was in love of the concept.

I’m looking froward to when they start shipping. Thank you Polyend team. Much <3 from Belgium.



Just seeing if there are any updates for this week. Appreciate all of the communication. It’s so awesome! Enjoy the day. Jan