Display which Patterns differ from the Empty / Project Default State or contain Filtered Data

What is the problem?

As a user it can be difficult to determine which Patterns are empty (in their default state) or contain specific types of information at a quick glance.

What should this feature achieve?

A UI listing of all Patterns with the ability to visually distinguish their state. For example, if patterns untouched (ie: in their Project Default state) had their numeric value displayed in White and patterns that have been altered (ie: have different from the Project Default state) were displayed in Red.

The user may also find it helpful to display Patterns only which contain specific types of information. For example, if the user is doing a lot of work with the Slice Effect and wanted to see which Patterns feature Slice Effects. In this way, Patterns that do not have Slice Effects were displayed in White and Patterns with Slice Effects were displayed in Red.

Are there any workarounds?

The User can change the name of the Pattern - which would indicate that it has likely been changed.

Any links to related discussions?

Not that I am aware of.

Any references to other products?

Not that I am aware of.

This is not entirely the same thing, but a different approach i suppose?

Let me know if you want me to continue with yours as well or if you’d enjoy the other one better :blush:

Sorry but I don’t think that serves the same function. That wish would be great to better identify sections of a song but it’s really no better a solution than renaming patterns.

This is more for a simple view of all patterns (or as many as possible at one time) to quickly see which ones have been changed. Imagine the Pattern view it’s a grid of pattern numbers with coloring to tell if they’ve been changed.

So you could quickly scan to see that 020 to 027 might be free, for example.

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So you envision this purely as a statistical view?
As you say to quickly identify which pattern (numeric pattern) is empty or not.

Any other possible usecases such a view could be useful for?

Yeah - I’m envisioning this as a very fast means to help the user determine what Patterns are available for their use.

Maybe conditional filtering would be useful? Say if they were doing a lot with the Slice Effect and wanted to locate Patterns with that Effect present.

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Do me a favor, could you condense what we just talked about into the wish itself?
Then it will be easier to understand for the powers that be :blush:

Thank you! :heart: