Crash/Freeze when dialog to save scene is shown and pressing encoder/Seq/Scene buttons

Bug Description

Polyend synth crash/freeze when selecting a scene and pushing the screen button. Needs to unplug the synth to restart.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Push scene button
  2. Select a scene and load it
  3. Modify some parameters
  4. Push scene button
  5. Select another scene and load it. A message pops up asking if you want to save the current scene.
  6. Push the screen encoder instead of yes or no.
  7. Crash/Freeze

Occurrence / Frequency


Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.01
  • Build: 1459


Hey @christophe.tornieri, thanks for reporting this bug.

This bug has already been identified internally and logged.
Hopefully we will see a fix for this soon :blush:

Simple workaround for now - Do what the screen tells you to do :joy:

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Hi @christophe.tornieri . Thank you for reporting this bug. We are sorry you’re experiencing issues while using our product. We will do our best to resolve it and notify you when it’s ready.

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Hey @here, the Synth 1.1.0 beta just dropped. :partying_face:

Let us know if it fixes the issue for y’all! :heart:

Tested it. It is fixed!


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Hi @here, our latest release fixes this issue: Synth Firmware 1.1.0
Please let us know if you’re happy with the solution and thanks for your support for making our products better.

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