Hi, I was wondering if the Synth can send audio by his usb cable in the future ? As it seem not my side …. Also is there a way to send stereo by the output without to pass by the y cable given with the Synth machine ? I have tired to connect some little speaker and the sound was getting out only in mono… I have tried than with an audio external interface to split the sound in Ableton live but the sound seem not good … Maybe should I pass by my Arturia midi interface for better sound quality output but I think it can be more useful in a future update to send the audio directly by the usb port of maybe it can be an Idea to be able to save the scenes as audio sequences directly on the SD card of the Synth than we should be able to drop the audio sequence with good quality and quickly by the USB transfer menu of the Synth …is that feature will come in a future update ? Thanks to all staff at Polyend … Great machines and nice last update for the tracker mini. Just one last question do you plan to create a mini keyboard module to plug on the tracker mini as it’s not easy of practical without it to play notes and link it with some cable make it less portable device. Thanks x Fred
This was written by @Mitch yesterday.
“For USB from a hardware perspective USB audio is possible but the CPU cost is fairly massive. At this time I think the developers will have to carefully consider if this is feasible at all, but it wouldn’t be a simple addition if possible.”
Hi, I understand your arguments Mitch very well and you are surely right but than allow us to record and transform the scenes in audio files on the SD card of the Synth should be possible but I’m not technician ? My idea is to use the Synth more as a device I can use on my canapé of out of the studio powered by a power bank and use a CWE widi Master to send midi notes by Bluetooth … and than for the audio was hoping to link the tracker mini to the USB Host port of the CWE widi Master to record the audio getting out from the synth into the Tracker mini … of connect eventually my iPad to the Synth the same way to record the audio from the Synth into my iPad … That should be than a super portable studio on the go…
To clarify, @BROCKSTAR was quoting @Mitch. They are not his arguments
This is my main concern before buy Synth. I’ve discovered that in Play+ only a stere track can be used to all the synths. I guess is a difficult implementation. It would be great. The best feature.
If you mute two of the 3 synths than you can record them one by one to get them separately…. But as extra silly idea I think to record them by the audio Jack out in mono by using the 5 Moons from Critter and Guittari that can now export the audio in stereo … as the entry is in mono but the recording is stereo when exported … Might be portable and small enough to record the Polyend scenes without the need of a computer of this USB audio functionality on the Polyend Synth of Play+ but it’s a big extra cost….
Perhaps I’m misunderstanding you, but the Play+ has 28 mono/14 stereo tracks over USB including each Synth having it’s own Stereo out
That is what I thought but it seems that, seeing the manual, there’s only one channel for the 3 synths.
One solution would be pan two synths and record later the 3rd synth. It isn’t the most convenient way but at least in play+ you have the effects separate.
I guess in Synth everything goes to the main out.
I don’t have my Play+ at hand, but I’m pretty sure outputs 19-24, i.e. including the “Reserved” channels, are stereo pairs for each synth. At least that’s how I set it up in my DAW, iirc. Did you give it a try?
This is a error in the Play+ manual. The same mistake was made on the Tracker+ manual:
No, I just read instructions and never tried. I’ll try, thanks!
Wooow, very good news!!. I’ll say in my favour that first I’ve read the manual before posting