Audio crackling and artifacts from mod filter freq

Bug Description

When using the MOD filter freq knob immediately after turning it down from the off position the synth begins to produce crackling that does not stop until returned to the off position. This first happened when sending audio from the phase distortion synth on synth 1

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create patch
  2. send audio to mod effect
  3. turn filter freq knob down from the off position
  4. crackling begins until turned back to off position

Occurrence / Frequency

Has occurred twice on different patches

Found in Firmware

  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Build: 1459


From just a quick test, I wasn’t able to reproduce this. Are you able to save a Scene that has this problem and upload it here?

how would i got about doing that it wont let me upload those file types?

You could put them in a zip file, as long as it is under 5MB, or use one of the many file sharing services out there.

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dime-end mod filter freq crackling (5.7 KB)

I tested you Scene now and I’m not sure I’m able to reproduce (all of) this. What I do is:

  • Hold a note on synth 1 (blue, PHZ).
  • Press Shift Mixer to get to the MOD fx screen.
  • Twist the Filter Freq knob back and forth.

With this, I only get a little bit of artifact when it goes from Off into the active range and vice versa. But I don’t get anything while sweeping around in the active range.

Am I doing things right in order to try and trigger the problem you describe?

The single pop I’m able to get is probably enough for a bug. It just sounds like you are experiencing something worse and I want to make sure we’ve got it all covered.

That is about the process I went through but mine definitely was more severe than a couple pops, mine was more akin to constant vinyl and happened at all times the filter was on even if I wasn’t moving it around

Are you able to provide at video or at least audio recording of this?