Atypical sources for vocal samples

Hello all.

Radio show on BBC called Soul Music. Each episode picks a piece of music and interviews a number of people to whom it’s particularly significant. Some really unique and profound personal statements in this series.

SF Police Scanner
San Francisco Public Safety Scanner Feed.
Nice CB radio style dispatch communications stream.

Crazy web interface that lets you tune in to amateur radio operators chatting shit to each other all around the world.
Some seriously niche conversations to be heard on this!!!

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Gotta plug @erik’s amazing project:


Thanks @fulhjort . I can easily get a zip file of everything I’ve posted thus far if folks want one big download and if anyone has needs or requests - feel free to let me know. :grinning:


Haha! They’re great.
I’d definitely take a zip of them.

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As promised, here’s a .zip file of everything I’ve posted on my Tumblr as of this evening (link).

I haven’t done any folder organization so it’s just a folder of 361 recordings. If anyone has comments or questions etc… please don’t hesitate to reply and tag me or send me a message.



Nice one.

There’s a Treasure Trove of answering machine messages in the link below. I’ve used these a lot with Music Thing Modular’s Radio Music and they are a blast to play with.


That stuff is great! I may actually have a tape they don’t seem to - Telephone Tunes. A really awful tape of pastiche music set to dreadful lyrics put out by AT&T for people to use as their incoming messages. I’ll reach out to him. Thanks!

High-five fellow Radio Music fan. I bought one of the kits immediately when Thonk announced them and you know I loaded it up with parts of my collection. Which had to (at the time) be in the awful .RAW format. Heh.

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Here’s another good one…

This repository contains ScotRail announcements that were published as part of ScotRail’s publication scheme in June 2022.


… Enjoy.

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