November 7, 2023, 8:09pm
The Rn, RN, and RR roll types are great musical features. It would be nice to be able to have the notes in the roll conform to a scale ex. ascending roll in C Major, descending scale in A Pentatonic, etc.
This could be determined in the system settings as discussed here: Musical key and scale lock toggle for +/- buttons
It could also be interesting to have this work like the arpeggiator, and a have MIDI chord in the 2nd FX Slot determine the notes for the roll.
What is the problem?
Cannot have a roll conform to specific notes, scales, etc. Always chromatic.
What do you want to achieve?
Use rolls with specific notes/scales.
Are there any workarounds?
Any links to related discussions?
For those that are not super musically inclined, it would be useful to have a quick toggle to restrict note entry to a preset scale and key to keep things in tune easily without guesswork, and to disable it in case the user is inputting non-melodic notes or for playing out of key.
What is the problem?
On the original Polyend Tracker, you could set the pads to a specific musical key and scale, which would allow users to keep music in key easily, and they could easily nudge notes if they wanted t…
Any references to other products?
December 4, 2023, 1:18pm
@here Thanks for your wish. It’s now ready for voting
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