What is the problem?
As a user who wants to place notes on 3rds, 16ths, etc, it is difficult to visualize where a sound sits when it is only appended with the m for microtiming.
For example, when entering notes using live notation with a midi device, a user can get 16ths or 3rds notes to appear as C5 01 M## to indicate the micro timing.
What should this feature achieve?
As a user who wants to have more control over where the notes are placed within the context of the grid, provide the ability to expand/zoom into the grid from 4 to 8 to 16, and allow notes to be placed.
Are there any workarounds?
Currently users can place notes on these steps using microtiming
Any links to related discussions?
Not that I’ve found
Any references to other products?
The Deluge offers a feature like this where the grid starts off on 1/4 notes and you can expand each bar to go deeper in. When zooming out, the steps that contain microtimed notes have a different color indicating that there are shorter notes within that amount of time.