Will PERC be coming to Play+?

Heyo. Will PERC / drum engine be coming to the Play+?


That is indeed the plan! You can get some of the scoop of what’s coming up in the following video :slight_smile:


Just wondering will there be an upcoming gui similar to tracker+ when programming synth engine on play+? Thanks!

fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

So even the USB file transfer should be avail on the Play + , that is surely a good feature


that would be amazin yea

i saw that mentioned in the new Tracker demo - does anyone know if this can be used to bypass / replace the SD card usage completely? That would be great if so.

I think is only to actually transfer files between PC/Mac to the Unit without removing the SD card

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that would be quite a feat, considering the reduced size of the Play screen, but I hear ya. Anything to improve the synth interface would be great

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Yes not the same but some way to skip around the parameters would be beneficial