Some synth patches are not fully reverting to their original state when the user cancels the loading of a patch.
Bug Description
It appears that certain patches are not reverting back to their initial state if you press the back button in the patch browser. I’m pretty sure it is tied to Motion Filter LFO parameter.
Expected behaviour would be when you cancel loading up a patch, it should revert entirely to the initial patch
Reproduction Steps
Start a new Project, load up the FAT engine
Fill all steps with notes assigned to the FAT engine on the first track and then select the track. (Having all steps populated isn’t necessary to reproduce the bug, but makes much more obvious to hear the problem)
touch Sample, and then Patch to go to the patch browser and load 8-bit Bass to load the patch.
touch Sample, and then Patch to go to the patch browser, scroll to the next patch Acrid plate, but instead of loading it, hit the back button.
The result is that the patch reverts to 8-bit Bass (this is the expected behaviour)
Once again, touch Sample, and then Patch and scroll to the 3rd patch named Andromedia Keys. Instead of loading it, press the back button
8-bit Bass patch is loaded but with some unwanted modulation applied
Touch the Overdrive/Bit Depth knob, go to Motion and observe the parameter is now at -63 (full negative). If you bring the parameter back to 0, you will hear what is closer to the initial patch.
always with certain patches. These are the problematic patches I’ve identified: ACD
Dub Siren
Kick Generator
Thanks so much for giving that a go, as it was extremely useful to help me dig into this. When I followed my own steps, I am unable to reproduce it, but I figured out why. The step 3a was actually fixing the problem as it seems to set the parameter properly no matter what patch you choose. If you get the chance, could you try this again, but skip step 3a?
I can tell something is strange because if I have play on the whole time then I hear something got changed despite ending up back to the original sound in the last step as at the start, but when I look at the Overdrive/Bit Depth knob that is still set to no value for me.
Also this slightly changed steps might help a bit to see the issue with the sound.
Start a new Project, load up the FAT engine
Fill all steps with notes assigned to the FAT engine with the first preset '8-bit bass’ on the first track and then select the track. (Having all steps populated isn’t necessary to reproduce the bug, but makes much more obvious to hear the problem)
Press play to keep the loop going and notice how it sounds.
Touch Sample, and then Patch and scroll to the 3rd patch named Andromedia Keys. Instead of loading it, press the back button
8-bit Bass patch is loaded again but SOUNDS different than it did in step 3 like some parameters must have not switched.
Edit: I see what’s also going on causing the confusion. When I switch to Overdrive / motion it shows no value, but soon as I attempt to change it, it jumps to -62 , and indeed then fixing it to 0 or clearing it again makes it go back to sounding normal.
Yep that was exactly what was happening in the previous step that I had as 3a. It seems if you adjust the value, it sets the value and the issue no longer occurs.
Hi, @DannThank you for reporting this bug. We are sorry you’re experiencing issues while using our product. We will do our best to resolve it, and notify you when it’s ready