i had an Organelle and totally agree.very fun setup, i’m not a good enough piano player.
Currently I don’t use any other gear with mine because of the trackers midi sync problems. But since that is due to be fixed in the next update I anticipate using it with my whole setup. I enjoy using it on its own too though and will continue to do that after the update, and I will probably use it with a few portable pieces too, Circuits, Aira minis, Blue/Blackbox, Organelle M.
what sync issues have you run into? i’ve used my Tracker as the brain for everything for the past year and a half, firing all different kinds of gear.
When synced to other hardware the tracker has jitter, I filed a bug report on github a while back and it has been confirmed by polyend and other users.
Here is the thread including a scope video showing the issue.
Scroll down the page a bit for the video.
so you haven’t used anything with it since then?
I tried a couple more times since the last 2 updates, but it wasn’t fixed, so no not really, I quite like using single machines on their own anyway, but it would be nice to be able to sync it to other gear, so I’m glad there is a fix coming.
I have the tracker in case with Waldorf Blofeld. I just remove the lid and plug them in, keeps dust free and is portable.
Related: How do you combine Play and Tracker?
i recently found a SC-55 WITH a Sound Brush. the same shop had a Roland U-220 so i’m picking that up first.
how is editing the SC?
I use Polyend Tracker , AKAI Mpc One to launch drones or pads , and I use Kontakt from NI as a synthesizer , all piped into a digital recorder mixer .
My favourite bits of gear to use with the Tracker are my modular… using a Shuttle Control MIDI to CV dealio:
annnd with my C64. Cannae beat an arp.
your vids convinced me i had a chance on a Tracker, actually. so huge thanks! and the C64 vids is badass.
is that a MIDI to SCSI converter?
Nice one! Glad you like them. I am a big tracker advocate. I think they are one of the most powerful ways of sequencing around.
The red thing? It’s a special MIDI contraption that slots into the expansion port or whatever (I cannae remember the actual name - user port maybe?). Some more details in here:
It lets you plug in MIDI DIN as well as another cartridge, so you can load music software. There’s a better, all-in-one version called Kerberos, but they are hard to find.
i want a rack sampler in the collection. would you have any $500US or less suggestions?
Akai z4 or s 5000
nice, ive wanted to link up to my octatrack , have you managed to sequence pattern changes either way ?
Simply u can’t. The workaround is to switch pattern manually, it’s duable, not so “relaxing” but duable. I’ve made a request here on the forum to have, in future updates, at least the chance to switch patterns all “in 1 move” ,.in performance mode, instead of having to switch every tracks.
ah nice one ! i did think it wouldnt be possible, i appreciate you clarifying.
Also to your point about switching in performance mode, thats def one i forgot to mention in a recent request post. Also… if it would be possible to shift + pattern toggle with the scroll wheel to a particular pattern and it not play immediately, but once the pattern finishes.
love the tracker lots and im constantly realising things that would make great features !
Do not worry, it’s a pleasure. To work around the jog wheel behavior in performance mode, you can use the arrow keys. Scroll down and up the pattern and by releasing the function key of the selected track, make the switch. With the left/right arrows, the switch takes place at the end of the pattern
I see , ok thats really useful to know, thank you.
I think it would be good to hold shift and seek a pattern with the wheel and release the shift so that the tracker jumps at the end of the pattern. for purposes of a live set and if i want to very quickly locate a pattern number this would be the best way - the arrow keys dont scroll fast enough to sometimes reach the pattern number required !
It seems Polyend and very keen to listen to ideas, which is great.