What to do if a Synth Slot Suddenly Stops Working

There are multiple reasons that can lead to a synth not making a sound.
Here are some cases and how to get yourself out of said pickle :blush:

Check the Mixer

  • Level for that Synth is up
  • Check that it is not panned to a side that is currently not audible because of you console settings/cables/whatever

Check the Synth Menu:

  • Local is ON for all Synths (when playing on the Grid)
  • MIDI Channel is correct (when playing via an external source)
  • Number of Voices is not set to zero
  • MIDI clock is set to internal

Check the Sequencer Page:

  • if it is Set to Seq it requires a sequence to play
  • if it is set to Arp or Seq, it requires a clock, so try setting the clock to internal in the MIDI menu

Save the Scene to a new location so that you can go back, then init the Synth slot (SHIFT+PRESET → Init). If it works now, it must be one of the values stored in the sound. i.e. any parameter on the Engine, Filter, Amp, LFO or MOD pages, or a macro.

Reload the saved scene and check Synth Parameters, the most likely ones are

  • Amp Envelope / Filter Envelope
  • Filter Type, Cutoff, Env Amount

Also check if Mods and Macros affect these parameters.

Possible next steps:

  • Init the scene
  • Reboot the machine
  • delete the workspace and/or global settings from the SD-Card
    • /workspace is the last known state of the current scene (saved or unsaved). So be careful when deleting this as any unsaved changes will be gone afterwards
    • globalSettings are all global settings that can be made in the Menu

Many thanks to @Lizard-of-Oz for compiling this :heart: