What audio files is Polyend Play working with?

  • The internal engine works with uncompressed 16-bit mono PCM WAV files with various sample rates.
  • Polyend Play will import mono or stereo WAV files in any sample rate, and with bit depths of 16, 24, or 32. Imported samples will automatically be converted to the supported file format.
  • The converted mono sample files will contain a mix of both left and right stereo channels.
  • The overall per-project sample pool memory allows for 6 minutes of monophonic 16-bit, 44.1 kHz sample files. However, Play can work with different sample playback rates, so you can reduce the required memory of a sample by reducing its sample rate. A sample played back at half the sample rate will use half the Pool memory. Conversely, doubling the sample’s rate will use twice the Pool memory. Because Play can use multiple different playback rates, your sample pool capacity may vary.
  • The maximum number of 255 sample files can be loaded to a single project.
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