Wave formats for Blank Slate SD Card

I’m thinking of putting together an SD card with no presets so that I can start creating original patches without distraction.
Does someone knows the sample limitations for wavetables and grain sources?
It appears that factory samples are 44khz 16bit mono.
Is there a limit to file duration for Grain and frame count for Wave?

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The Synth manual has a section about custom WAV files for the WAVS synth.

I don’t remember the upper limit of samples for GRAIN, but I believe it allows for relatively long samples. The longest I have on the it at the moment is 19 seconds long and works just fine.

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Thanks for your reply. Can’t believe I missed page 64. :roll_eyes:
So I’m guessing if I have wave-tables that don’t interpolate smoothly, it is probably because the number of cycles needs to be specified in the filename.
I don’t know if there is a limit to the number of files allowed in the folders but I find having around 1000 sounds for the Grain engine, it is very hard to hit files later in the alphabet as it keeps resetting to the start. I think it would be better to have it continue from the selected file instead.

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