Volume of both samples jump up when a 2nd pad is played before the first one is released

I’ve seen someone else mention something similar but that seemed to be regarding midi notes and this is happening with the pads.

I’m still new to this unit so maybe it’s user error but this seems odd.

If I play a sample and I play pads with a gap between presses, no issue.
As soon as I play a new pad and I haven’t release the previous one in time, both samples’ volumes jumps up to what I think is “full”.

It happens all the time.
Load a sample, play the pads.

I’ve tried doing a video on my phone but it’s not as clear as it is in real life.

Hey @matt-6144. Hope we can figure this out.

Is this happening during live recording or just when previewing instruments?

Thanks @Dann

It happens when I use the pads for playing, if it’s playing or recording but also when not.

I’ve just tried to recreate it from a new project and it’s not happening so I’m going to need to dig deeper. It’s not just one project this is happening on either so there must be something that happens at some point that is causing it.

edit: I’ve just found in one of my projects a sample that does the opposite, volume of the second trigger is lower when 2 pads are held, looking for differences in the playback/parameters

Would be curious to see if the results are still there after a live recording on a track.

Worked it out, stumped me for some time!

When the first sample is still being held, the second sample plays out of the next available track! So if I’m playing something on track 1 and the volume for the track is reduced, the second one will play out of track 2 which may be at 0 so will play louder!

That was driving me nuts.