What is the problem?
Right now the velocity and aftertouch is for the entire machine, but seeing that we have technically 3 synthesizers that we can use one at a time or two at a time or all three at a time, I think we should have Velocity and Aftertouch settings per synth/grid.
Maybe synth 1 is a bass and you want fast and hard with no velocity for it and no after touch, and synth 2 is a pad that you want some medium velocity for it and some aftertouch and synth 3 is a lead that you want velocity and aftertouch for with more aftertouch expression etc.
To me it makes more sense to treat it like that!
What should this feature achieve?
Total awesomeness and more expression per synth/grid
Are there any workarounds?
Any links to related discussions?
Any references to other products?
Not that I know of…