Bug Description
When performing a fresh boot after longer unplugged powerless state, PT+ sends out system reset byte on start up ( FF 00 00) over trs.
Some synths can react weird when they are in the same midi network.
It only happens when PT+ was unplugged for a few minutes. A normal power cycle does not send a midi message.
According to the mma:
"There is also a “system reset” message ($FF), a single byte message which according to the MIDI spec, “[resets] all receivers in the system to power-up status. This should be used sparingly, preferably under manual control. In particular, it should not be sent on power-up”
Steps to Reproduce
1.Plug in Usb cable
2. Plug in a trs midi cable to the midi out of PT+ and hook it up to a midi monitor wich can log midi bytes
3. Power up PT+
Occurrence / Frequency
Found in Firmware
- Version: 1.1.0 beta2
- Build: 1156b2