Tracker plus sound won't stop playing

Any one ever have this issue, I made a VAP patch where the decay and sustain are forever… but it keeps playing even after the play has stopped? I even went into an instrument and played other notes, but the sound is there. The only way I have found is to reboot the machine.


Any chance you have an insanely long Release time on the Amp Envelope?

Sustain 60%, Release 1.0 s.

But it is either that is happening or feed back which don’t get killed

Chord on internal synths hangs on Tracker+ - Bug - Polyend Backstage

Also noticed this without it beeing a chord (1 voice patch)

I experienced the same issue. Mostly when combined with sample recorder. I have to investigate it further.

Have a similar problem

Sometimes notes get stuck and keep playing when the playback is stopped.

I have encountered an issue where sometimes instruments like ACD, FAT, and others keep playing a single note endlessly when playback is stopped. This happens randomly; sometimes, after stopping playback, everything is fine, but other times it isn’t.

Is this a bug?

Known bug as mentioned above and already flagged


You can put a OFF on the end of the sequence to stop notes from playing until this bug is fixed.

Actually that doesn’t seem to be a bug.

If you’re triggering a note, it doesn’t know when you want it to end. Kinda makes sense it would continue to play. I dunno. :rofl: