Tracker Plus 1.1.0 & Tracker Mini 2.1.0 Sampling over USB audio Beta

Could you please elaborate on what you mean by that?

Hi, I thought my reply was rhetorical. Do you want me to explain why Akai, Elektron and Roland would have been out of business, if they handled bug reports in same manner?

Is this, where you reply, “Polyend is a small team” to my question above? <that card is already used.

Would these issues have been fixed already, if there were more focus on Updates instead of pushing new products, which also pollute the forum with new feature and bug reports?

In my country we say “You should not put more food on the plate than you can eat”


I just wanted to know what you meant by back-land, but thanks for telling me how I am going to reply.

You are welcome, the feedback pattern from mods here is very repetitiv in regard to those questions.


Yes, I promised a Polyend update every quarter, which I will post this month. As for transparent communication, as I’ve said repeatedly:

  1. We aren’t sharing roadmaps
  2. We aren’t sharing timelines, they would be a guess and likely wrong.

Otherwise the news is the same, these updates are actively being worked on.
Also a reminder - the moderators are volunteers doing this in their free time so remember to follow the community guidelines and be respectful in all communications, I won’t tolerate rudeness to moderators.


I don’t have an issue with new product lines, just as long as we always have the Tracker, I’m kind obsessed with it, and it’s my core sequencer for everything I do.
I’m probably a little more patient as far as patch updates, but I sure appreciate them when they become available.

Besides that, it would be interesting to see some new effects or unique tools later on down the track.
That said I don’t want it bloated with features either, I like having to think outside the box and explore.

So any enhancements would be better kept as minimal but well thought out fixes or new features


How do you define the difference between “new features” and "essential missing features?


  • The ability to delete files, which you dont like?
  • The ability to export / render a pattern to audio in a not incorrect BPM or pitch.

Well it could be one, or both.
Whatever it may be, it’s got to provide utility but not hand you everything on a platter.
But that’s just me.
Whatever it is would need some thought put into it and not just an update for the sake of having an update.
But that’s as far as adding something new.